TikTok Signature Server
722519586 request total

The strongest and cheapest TikTok signature/encryption protocol service on the market, stably support for a single customer with an average of millions of calls per day.

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Our Supported API

Our Supported TikTok Signature/Encryption List

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You’ve come to the right place, we offer you various packages to choose from!

Trial User

1 RPS Limit


/7 days

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Official User

5 RPS Limit



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Official User

20 RPS Limit



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Official User

20 RPS Limit



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VIP User

Unlimited requests



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How Does It Work?

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Buy Our Key

Contact us and buy an API key.

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Use Our API

Read our documentation to learn how to integrate our API to your project.

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Create Your Dream Project

Develop your dream project for example like bot, follow bot, etc.

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We know what we're doing!

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